發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2009-04-17 (高雄)世運音樂會 (330) (0)
2009-04-15 (台中)Retro Coffee (333) (7)
2009-04-13 (台北) Taipei 101 (象山) (158) (2)
2009-04-02 (分享)4月桌曆 (91) (2)
2009-03-25 (員林)右舍咖啡 (945) (2)
2009-03-04 【南投】紙教堂 Paper Dome (904) (2)
2009-03-02 (分享)3月桌曆 (56) (0)
2009-02-19 【北緯50度 03】Krakow 機場歷險記 (292) (3)
2009-02-19 【北緯50度 02】Auschwitz (143) (7)
2009-02-04 (分享)2月桌曆 (80) (2)
2009-01-20 太陽劇團-Alegria (74) (0)
2008-11-19 2009年桌曆 (46) (6)
2008-10-09 人像之外 (29) (3)
2008-10-06 【2008 Hong Kong】Day 4...(香江夜景篇) (78) (4)
2008-09-19 Cirque du Soleil (23) (2)
2008-08-28 【2008 Hong Kong】Day 3 (39) (4)
2008-08-25 【2008 走訪德奧】行程表 (258) (4)
2008-08-08 【2008 德奧】啟程 (30) (5)
2008-08-05 【2008 Hong Kong】Day 2 (18) (3)
2008-08-04 【2008 Hong Kong】第一天的商務之旅 (24) (3)
2008-07-27 【2008 Hong Kong】啟程 (5) (2)
2008-07-24 不丹真的不簡單 (64) (4)
2008-07-09 【2008 USA】Chicago - Purdue University (184) (1)
2008-07-07 【2008 USA】Chicago - Northwestern University (101) (1)
2008-06-25 【2008 USA】Chicago照片嚐鮮 Part II (18) (6)
2008-06-23 【2008 USA】Chicago照片嚐鮮 Part I (17) (0)
2008-06-15 出發 (10) (1)
2008-06-01 【2007 Greece】最終回 -- 雅典 (下) 憲法廣場之衛兵交接 (122) (0)
2008-05-28 辦理美簽 (92) (5)
2008-05-22 【2007 Greece】最終回 -- 雅典 (上) (36) (2)
2008-05-19 【2009】旅遊主題 (14) (12)
2008-03-04 華航開闢台北-法蘭克福-布拉格 (421) (10)
2008-02-20 My friends, Roger and Michelle (13) (0)
2008-02-19 【2008 Taiwan】Pingsi Lantern (10) (2)
2008-01-31 【2008】尾牙 (19) (5)
2008-01-24 【2007 Greece】Santorini (3) - 世界最美麗的夕陽在Oia (242) (0)
2008-01-23 【2007 Greece】Santorini (2) - Fira (78) (3)
2008-01-23 【2007 Greece】Santorini (1) (54) (0)
2008-01-22 【2007 Greece】Mykonos (6)─ See U, Mykonos (28) (0)
2008-01-17 【2007 Greece】Mykonos (5)─ 天堂海灘 Paradise beach (182) (1)
2008-01-17 【2007 Greece】Mykonos (4)─ downtown (63) (5)
2008-01-17 【2007 Greece】Mykonos (3)─ Windmills of Kato Mili (風車轉轉) (115) (5)
2008-01-15 【2007 Greece】Mykonos (2) (43) (4)
2008-01-14 【2007 Greece】Mykonos (1) ─ Arhontiko Pension (135) (2)
2008-01-13 【2007 Greece】Alexandroupolis-Mykonos (29) (3)
2008-01-03 【2007 Greece】Alexandroupolis (43) (0)
2007-11-21 【2007 Greece】Alexandroupolis之研討會晚宴 (26) (3)
2007-10-03 【2007 Greece】ABU-VIE-Alexandroupolis (16) (0)
2007-09-13 【2007 Greece】TPE-ABU-VIE (16) (2)
2007-08-20 【2008 Schedule】 (4) (2)
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